Gord Downie quoteGord Downie quote
215 Pledge

Inspired by Chanie’s story and Gord’s call to build a better Canada, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund aims to build cultural understanding and create a path toward reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Our goal is to improve the lives of Indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all peoples in Canada.

The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund

The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF) was created out of two families coming together to make change, uphold Chanie and Gord’s legacies, and create a pathway on the journey toward reconciliation.

DWF provides access to education on the true history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the true history and legacy of Residential Schools. We encourage reconciliation by way of our programming and events.

Our Story

Our Work

Legacy Spaces

Legacy Schools