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Poster Contest Highlight

The Legacy School Program is proud to announce that there were over 100 submissions to this year’s Legacy Schools Spring Poster Contest, which closed on May 14th. Students were asked to illustrate how mental health influences their relationships with the land, their families and communities. We want to thank all the students who submitted their beautiful posters, and we hope they apply again next […]

I Will Not Be Struck Song Challenge

“Music is the ultimate medium for expressions of love, and those expressions find a beautiful backdrop in the environment. Music is also a popular rallying point — at its central core, it’s a way for people to get in touch with the best parts of themselves and to voice the love in their hearts.” – […]

The 2021 Spring Poster Contest is here!

For many Indigenous communities, creating balance among the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of life are equally important. This year we’re asking students to reflect on how they can balance their studies and stresses while remaining healthy. For this year’s Spring Poster Contest, students should create a poster that answers: How does mental health […]

The Educator Advisory Committee Welcomes New Members

Following a successful meeting on Dec. 5, 2020, the Educator Advisory Committee will meet again in March. Despite the difficult and unusual school year, our Legacy Schools have done great work in their efforts towards reconciliation. Their hard work and dedication has inspired our committee to continue to work as hard as possible – despite the circumstances – to […]

ReconciliACTIONs At Legacy Schools

This past week many of our Legacy Schools took part in Secret Path Week, a week-long event that is held from October 17th to October 22nd to honour the passing of Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack. Throughout the school year, and especially during Secret Path Week, we encourage our Legacy School educators and students to […]

Congratulations to the Legacy Schools Poster Contest Winners!

Early in May, we challenged our Legacy Schools students to design posters that answer the question “What does it mean to be an Indigenous Ally?” They definitely rose to the occasion! We loved all of the posters that were submitted, and it was certainly difficult to select the winners from elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Winners will receive […]

DWF 2019-2020 Annual Report

Our 2019-2020 Annual Report has been released, filled with information on our programs, what we’ve achieved in our second year, and much more! View it here.

DWF Legacy Schools Poster Contest is Now Open!

Show us what you can do Legacy School students – even from home! We are calling on all Legacy School students to create a poster that answers the question “What does it mean to be an Indigenous Ally?”   Winning selections will appear on our social media channels and in our Legacy School calendar  for 2020-2021 […]

Whitehorse visits James Bay for Artist Ambassador Program

Several communities along the James Bay Ice Road were treated with a special visit to their high schools by musicians Melissa McClelland and Luke Doucet of Whitehorse in early March. Students at Vezina Secondary School in Attawapiskat, ON; Francine J. Wesley Secondary School in Kashechewan, ON and Delores D. Echum Composite School in Moose Factory, […]