Gord’s Legacy – A Free Virtual Experience to Honour Gord Downie


October 17, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

***We are calling on our community to submit a video of YOU performing your favourite Gord Downie/Tragically Hip songs and/or poems! More info below***
FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, St. Catharines, ON
With the passing of Gord Downie on 17 October 2017, Canadians lost one of our most beloved music icons.
Gord spent his final days shining a light on the reconciliation with this country’s First Peoples. He asked all Canadians to join the call to action. For the past few years, the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre (PAC) has been honoured to host a group of Canadian artists who have joined our collective reconciliation journey with a concert to promote awareness, education and thoughtful action. This year, with the current realities, we have moved the program online.
We will be inviting special guest artists to share their favourite songs with us. Previous guests have included Tom Wilson, Danny Michel, Royal Wood and more!
We are also calling on our community to submit a video of YOU performing your favourite Gord Downie/Tragically Hip songs and/or poems!
We will choose video submissions to share as part of our virtual concert on Saturday 17 October along with live performances by artists who have been part of previous Gord’s Legacy concerts. We will provide a $75 honorarium to each of the chosen local submissions that will be aired. Local artists who submit a video will also be considered to perform live at future Gord’s Legacy concerts. The goal of this event is to provide an opportunity for a diverse, cross-section of amateur and professional musicians to share in honouring Gord Downie’s music, poetry and artistic work.
FOR SONG SUBMISSION DETAILS, please visit: https://firstontariopac.ca/…/Gord_Downie_Legacy_Concert…
This concert has been an opportunity for our community to come together to raise funds in support of the PAC’s ongoing commitment to the DOWNIE WENJACK FUND.
Inspired by the tragic story of a child who perished in attempts to return home from a Residential School and Gord Downie’s call to build a better Canada, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF) aims to build cultural understanding and create a path toward reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. The goal is to help improve the lives of Indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all Canadians on the true history of Indigenous people in our country.
Secret Path Week is a national movement commemorating the legacies of Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack, and takes place annually from October 17-22. This is a meaningful week as October 17th and 22nd respectively mark the dates that Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack joined the spirit world. We call on all Canadians to use Secret Path Week to answer Gord Downie’s call to action, to “Do Something” by creating a reconciliACTION and furthering the conversation about the history of Residential Schools.
We encourage you to make a donation and tune in to the event LIVE!
This HOT TICKET presentation by the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre is part of our year-round commitment to Celebration of Nations Indigenous featured programming sponsored by Brock University.