Leela Gilday – Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants


October 20, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants is an organization which knocks down classroom walls and take students anywhere in the world, never having to leave their desks. It aims to inspire the next generation of students by bringing science, exploration, adventure, and conservation into classrooms through virtual speakers and field trips with leading experts across the globe.

For Secret Path Week, Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants will be focusing on Indigenous education featuring Indigenous scientists, explorers, artists, activists, and speakers.  This will be a valuable way to engage your class in reconciliation and encourage your students to “Do Something”!

If you’re from the North, Leela Gilday’s music is home. If you’ve never been, it will take you there. Born and raised in the Northwest Territories, she writes about the people and the land that created her. The power in her voice conveys the depth of her feelings of love and life in a rugged environment and vibrant culture, as if it comes straight from that earth. Leela’s family is from Délįne on the shore of Great Bear Lake, and her rich vocals dance across the rhythmic beats of traditional Dene drumming as smoothly as a bass line onstage the largest venues in the country. And she has played them all.