LEGACY: A Tribute to Gord Downie – Burlington


October 17, 2019 8:00 pm

In support of The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund, we welcome you to join us for our second annual LEGACY: A Tribute to Gord Downie. Gord Downie was the front man for the iconic Canadian band The Tragically Hip and this celebration is on the anniversary of his passing. This evening of musical tributes raises money and awareness and continues the conversation that began with Chanie Wenjack’s residential school story. In his final days, Gord Downie spent his time shining a light on reconciliation with Canada’s First Peoples. A group of Canadian artists have joined our collective reconciliation journey and created this concert to promote awareness, education, and thoughtful action. Please join us for a special evening to celebrate the man, the music, and his enduring legacy. Funds raised will go directly to the Downie/Wenjack Fund Legacy. Featuring Twin Flames, DALA, Royal Wood, Peter Katz and more.

For more information please visit the The Burlington Centre for the Performing Arts website here.

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