Walk For Wenjack

We encourage you to walk for Chanie Wenjack and his family on October 22, the day Chanie succumbed to the elements as he was trying to get home. Walks can also be organized on other dates during Secret Path Week (Oct. 17-22).

Start planning your Walk today! For more information and to register, click here.

Walk for Wenjack

In partnership with Evergreen Brick Works, please join us on Oct 18, 2019 on the land of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (Toronto).

– Participate in a spiritual walk on the trails next to Evergreen Brick Works.

– Experience various Learning Circles in the Children’s Garden.

– Watch the Secret Path animated film and the documentary called “Finding The Secret Path,” by Mike Downie and the documentary, “The Weight of Your Heart: A Walk With Chanie Wenjack,” by Joel Clements.

– Enjoy music and performances by various Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists.

– Gather on the grounds of the Evergreen Brick Works and meet new friends along with some VERY special guests.

If you are a DWF Legacy School in the Toronto area, we encourage you to join us at Evergreen Brick Works. For those not in the area, we encourage you to coordinate a local Walk For Wenjack, please contact info@walkforwenjack.com for more info.

Please note, we are encouraging donations as your participation in the event for adults 18 and over and therefore we welcome as many children and youth (accompanied by a legal guardian) to join and participate on this special day. See Eventbrite link above.

An itinerary for the day will be announced soon.

Additional details at https://walkforwenjack2019.eventbrite.ca

All proceeds support the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund.